Saturday, February 11, 2012

Light in the Dark

{Acrylic on Canvas]

We grow accustomed to the Dark
When light is put away
As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp
To witness her Goodbye

A Moment -- We uncertain step
For newness of the night
Then fit our Vision to the Dark
And meet the Road -- erect

And so of larger -- Darkness
Those Evenings of the Brain
When not a Moon disclose a sign
Or Star -- come out -- within
The Bravest -- grope a little
And sometimes hit a Tree
Directly in the Forehead
But as they learn to see

Either the Darkness alters
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to Midnight
And Life steps almost straight.

- Emily Dickinson


snigdha said...

too good surga. I think this is one of your best paintings

Inkk said...

hi chache, well this one is playing to the gallery...simple tricks of the trade .. color/ tone contrast - that's all...

I'm trying to finish a more abstracted one, which is little more complicated in composition at home...havent struggled with anything as much...but I guess, it wont capture the mood and to that extent, it would be uninteresting to an audience.

I am still struggling with abstraction...lets see where I get with it.


Anonymous said...


I really like the upper three fourths of the canvas. good work.

Anuradha Sridhar said...

Hi -- I came here via Shilpy's blog. "Starry night" - you are a fan of Van Gogh's work?

Faces among faces

Acrylic (with knives only) on canvas