Thursday, October 11, 2012


It's been ages since I went back to drawing. I have been questioning the role of drawing in a painting for a while now. Should a painting really be that planned or should it be a more free flow of expression - isn't the latter what art is really about? In any case, a chance discovery of a set of charcoals in my mecca, William Penn led to a few quick nude drawings during a work break .... will put up more as they come along.
[Charcoal on Paper]
[Charcoal on Paper]

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Band - Revisited

(Acrylic on Canvas) Its been close to two years since I painted the original Band. This new painting is just an experiment to see how the technique and color complexity has evolved over the years. Quite happy :-)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Light in the Dark

{Acrylic on Canvas]

We grow accustomed to the Dark
When light is put away
As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp
To witness her Goodbye

A Moment -- We uncertain step
For newness of the night
Then fit our Vision to the Dark
And meet the Road -- erect

And so of larger -- Darkness
Those Evenings of the Brain
When not a Moon disclose a sign
Or Star -- come out -- within
The Bravest -- grope a little
And sometimes hit a Tree
Directly in the Forehead
But as they learn to see

Either the Darkness alters
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to Midnight
And Life steps almost straight.

- Emily Dickinson


(Acrylic on Canvas)

These city lights
They glisten on the horizon
Dance to the sounds of late night revellers
Drinking, carousing, vomiting between destinations
Each one of them signals life
Ordinary people watching tv,
Their minds silent but for the dreams they see
They rest humming in the distance
And when I look at them
I think of what brought to this place
This cold, loud space built on dreams
Most broken, a few fulfilled
And I wonder what they hold for me
-Kojo (from the web)

Faces among faces

Acrylic (with knives only) on canvas